European Heritage Days Grand Filon
Saturday 18 and Sunday, September 19
Tests of Certif 'School of Mining
In a perfume reentry The Grand Filon and the Association of the Museum of the Land of Hurtières offer visitors to take the pen and ink to pass the prime events of graduation certificate. For the European Heritage Days old school of the Mine will be honored to host the time of the afternoon, new students.
pass the tests of Certif '! Saturday September 18 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., visitors can board the School Certificate tests in the former School of Mining. Animation free and open to all. Sunday 19 afternoon, visitors can visit the Grand Filon School of Mining, freely pass tests of their choice and participate in collective dictation or singing competition.
School of Mining School is open from 1873, 55 students then follow the instruction in the teacher's room! With the intensive use of mines by the Company of Schneider-Creusot, the population of the hamlet of Mining increases. The employment of children under 16 years is prohibited (1874) and the III rd Republic and Jules Ferry institute free schooling (1881), compulsory (1882) and secular for children 6 to 13 years. In 1883, residents of the Mining rally and following a petition, a building was built 8 years later. Between 1873 and 1936 the schoolhouse of the Mine unfolds 10 masters and mistresses who welcome up to 50 students.
SATURDAY 18 September 2010
§ From 14.00 to 18.00: The Certif 'School of Mining
Visitors (re) pass the tests of the graduation certificate in the School of Mining.
Mental arithmetic
Dictation / questions dictated
History - Geography
5:45 p.m. graduation candidates.
SUNDAY 19 September 2010
§ From 14h00: free Tests of Certif '
Visitors can spend as they wish and return the proofs of their choice.
- At 14:30 and 16:30: Dictation collective.
- At 15.30 and 17.30: Singing Competition
- Throughout the afternoon
- Mathematics - Grammar - History | - Geography - Science
§ Visit Grand Filon (Free): A one-hour show trail to discover the history of the largest iron mine of Savoy.
- Animation: free entry.
- Visit Grand Filon: Free.