Thursday, July 31, 2008

Albertaa Dental Fee Guide

DURANDAL IN VAL MAURIENNE - Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 August 2008

Grand Filon - Mining Site and the association of Hurtières Ecomuseum Country Hurtières show on Saturday 9 and Sunday, August 10, 2008 the fourth edition of Durandal in Maurienne Valley. " Thirteen centuries after the disaster of Roncesvalles (15 August 778), residents of Hurtières celebrate each year in early August, the indestructible sword of Count Roland.

From the Middle Ages, Hurtières mines are the most important of Savoy. Iron, known for its strength, is highly prized for the manufacture of weapons. From the Song of Roland, Durandal, the sword of Roland, was given to Charlemagne when he was at the entrance of the Maurienne valley.

In hamlet of Mining, village peasants and miners, Charlemagne's troops have set up camp: soldiers, officers, blacksmiths, canteen, monks and accompanied by gypsy troubadours and jugglers as 800 live in and around the tents, saying their business in public the twenty-first century. Mine site, mining and metallurgical continue for the people ...
Three exceptional shows are punctuated these Durandal 2008. Note the involvement of the theater company "Daniel Gros" Cies and "Excalibur" and "The Moon of Amber."

SATURDAY 9 (from 12am) and Sunday, August 10 (From 10am) 2008
fun and educational workshops
- Arms and armor and fencing All weapons in the Middle Ages, their use and handling of demonstrations and fighting.
- Fitting chainmail and introduction to the sword for visitors
- Archery: Shooting Techniques in hunting and war, category-leading arrows, different types of bows. Shooting contest between the archers.
- Forge: Demonstrations.
- Roasting and grinding of iron ore.
- Daily Life: Food, potions ...
- Juggling and Poetry
- Troubadours and Acrobats: Music, song
Medieval - Medieval Games : The nutcracker ...
- Camp gypsies (with youth Hurtières).

Saturday, August 9, 2008 - Two shows not to miss

- 19h: Theatre performance with the "Company Daniel Gros.
- Towards 22h: Performance of fire by night everyone. by the "Company of the Moon of Amber."


Towards 16h: Show all age groups with the "Company Excalibur

typical restaurant on site (hot meals and seats): Spread Medieval (hot and cold, sweet and savory), wine laurel wine sage ...

- Animation: 5 € (day) or 8 € (2-day)
- Complete tour of the mine site (Grand Filon + park + tour + shows): 10 €

Friday, July 18, 2008 Milena Velba

This summer, visit the Grand Filon ...

900m above sea level in a unique setting, facing the massive and Lauzière Arves, discover the history of the mine, the secrets of the formation of the dyke and the lives of Miners used by advanced technologies: optical theater, sound and light in a reconstructed mine tunnel, ...

This summer come and discover two new tours of the Grand Lode - Mining Site Hurtières.

- Enter the park and become Stratos'Fer Crozier, rompteur, coach, coal or blacksmith in a garden of experiences for the whole family!

- (Re) place your graduation certificate with friends or family in the old school in La Miniere.

Do not miss the fourth edition of Durandal in the Maurienne Valley 9 and August 10!

3 outstanding performances with the Companies Daniel Gros, Excalibur and The Moon of Amber ...

From the Middle Ages, Hurtières mines are the most important of Savoy. Iron, known for its strength, is highly prized for the manufacture of weapons. From the Song of Roland, the sword Durandal would have been forged with iron Hurtières during a campaign of Charlemagne crossed the Mont Cenis to fight the Lombards. ...

For more information, download brochures Grand Filon ...