village of Saint-Georges-d'Hurtières has a school in 1729. It is maintained by the parish priest who teaches reading, grammar, writing, arithmetic and singing. Located in the county town, this school is too far for residents of hamlets and the seating is inadequate. In 1873, a school is open for Mining, 55 students attend classes in the teacher's room! With the intensive use of mines by the Company of Schneider-Creusot, the population of the hamlet of Mining increases. The employment of children under 16 years is prohibited (1874) and the Third Republic, Jules Ferry establish free schooling (1881), compulsory (1882) and secular for children 6 to 13 years. In 1883, residents of the Mining rally and following a petition, a building was built 8 years later. Between 1873 and 1936 the schoolhouse of the Mine unfolds 10 masters and mistresses that sleep up to 50 students.
In 1939 war was declared and the teacher's chief town is mobilized. All students in the hamlets of the village of Saint-Georges-d'Hurtières are grouped into one class, the chief place. Deserted, the School of Mining will definitely closed: the end of mining in 1931 and 1944 fire ending the life of the hamlet.
It was not until 1995 that the school reopens. This time it did not entertain the kids but visitors!
sunday 24 JUIN 2007
From 14h. Free admission
Visit the School of Mining and enjoy yourself to pass the tests of the graduation certificate of your choice.
- At 15.30: Dictation.
- Throughout the day:
- Mathematics
- Grammar
History - Geography
- Science
- Animation: free registration cert 'and free entry.
- Visit Grand Filon: reduced rates.
Partnership with France Bleu Pays de Savoie