" The Camp Charbonniers "
the occasion of the third 'Night of Museums ", the Big Vein - Site Hurtières of Mining, in partnership with the association of the" Museum of the Land of Hurtières "and Friends of the Lime Forest "presents a unique and exceptional animation," Camp of coal. " The charcoal Savoy set up their camp and set up their wooden kiln at the Mine. Coal will be made as was done during mining. A real adventure in three days and three nights begin with the evening of Saturday, May 19
With ore, coal is the raw material indispensable for the manufacture of iron. Without coal, metallurgical Hurtières of using charcoal, manufactured locally by coal. The principle of the coal is to ensure the "cooking" regular and the "choking" of a wooden wheel mounted previously. To do this, the wheel must be accompanied day and night. Here the challenge will be met by volunteers from the Mine! If the coal for generations have been isolated, thus feeding the collective imagination, on the occasion of the "Museum Night", the public will share the first vigil around the coal. Le Grand Filon
offers an exceptional day with, on Saturday afternoon, the assembly of the coal (visit). A wheel will be reserved for visitors who may try to mount it. Additionally, the Site Mining Hurtières broadcast the film "Coal" and lead a completely unprecedented visit to the Galerie Saint-Louis on the theme lighting.
show accompanied by a Savoyard meal
Saturday, May 19, 2007:
Afternoon: Installation of coal - open house
From 19h: Lighting the Coal Mines Savoyard meal (by reservation), unique tour of the Galerie Saint-Louis and vigil around the wheel (us and customs, technical ...)
Sunday, June 3:
Afternoon: Opening of the coal - open house
- Evening Charbonnière (reservation with the "Big Vein" 04 79 36 May 11): Meals Savoy + screening of the "coal" + unique tour of the St. Louis gallery + vigil around the coal: 20 € / adult - 15 € / child
- unprecedented visit to the Galerie Saint-Louis: 6 € / adult, 4.5 per child
Contact Press: Jérôme DURAND
Tel. : 04 79 36 11 05 Email. : info@grandfilon.fr
URL: www.grandfilon.fr
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