In partnership with
WORKSHOPS * EDUCATIONAL (Monday 8, Tuesday 9 and Thursday, October 11 - School only)
Educational activities at the Grand Filon - Site of Mining Hurtières:
Five workshops will enable students to learn the techniques for locating in space discover old entries of the mine galleries Hurtières (by reservation).
Conference: Subterranean Voyage en Savoie "in the ballroom of cleanser.
The conference hosted by Robert Durand, a member of Speleoclub of Savoy and author of a book reference: Mining and underground quarries in Savoie, you will discover the world of mining and exploration techniques and underground topography. Currently the 600 underground mines and quarries of Savoy constitute a heritage being destroyed. Robert Durand helps save through films, photographs and topographic surveys. A trip to the basement of the Savoy
In partnership with Speleoclub of Savoy, the Grand Lode offer a booth at the Carré des Sciences. Come discover the path of the ore at the time industrial, mining processing through fun and educational models. You can also watch a film about exploration topography and groundwater.
[Le Grand Filon-> http://www.grandfilon.fr The Mining
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