Thursday, September 2, 2010

Where Do You Buy Margarita Buckets From

Hiking - Pralognan La Vanoise - Refuge Peclet-Polset - White Lake Polset - Sulphur Pass (2819m) (Vanoise, 25 August 2010) Released

Hiking: 22 miles with about 1200 m of ascent and 1200 + m drop -.
Needles Polset and Peclet, Alpage Ritord.
Ritord Farm and pasture.
Peclet Polset Refuge.
Glacier Gébroulaz.
Refuge Peclet Polset and Massif de la Vanoise and Glaciers.
Polset White Lake, Sulphur Rock et al.
Small pups.
Dome Arpont, Pointe du Génépy, Glaciers and Génépy Rosoire.
Pass Sulphur.
Col Roc and Sulphur.
Polset and needles and Peclet Glacier Gébroulaz.
needle Polset Gébroulaz and Glacier.
Cracks Glacier Gébroulaz.
needle Polset, Glacier Gébroulaz and lakes.
Polset White Lake.
Polset White Lake, and points on the scale of the Party, Glacier mass.
Lake Beach White Polset.
Cows are cool.
Bridge Fisheries and Repoju.
Pralognan (Off Jaws Portetta).
Grand Marchet Great Glacier and corridors of the Grande Casse.
Jaws Portetta (breccia and Aiguille de Mey Portetta).


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