Tuesday, December 4, 2007
How Long Does It Take A Lumix Battery To Charge
Monday, October 8, 2007
After Market Backup Cameras

In partnership with
WORKSHOPS * EDUCATIONAL (Monday 8, Tuesday 9 and Thursday, October 11 - School only)
Educational activities at the Grand Filon - Site of Mining Hurtières:
Five workshops will enable students to learn the techniques for locating in space discover old entries of the mine galleries Hurtières (by reservation).
Conference: Subterranean Voyage en Savoie "in the ballroom of cleanser.
The conference hosted by Robert Durand, a member of Speleoclub of Savoy and author of a book reference: Mining and underground quarries in Savoie, you will discover the world of mining and exploration techniques and underground topography. Currently the 600 underground mines and quarries of Savoy constitute a heritage being destroyed. Robert Durand helps save through films, photographs and topographic surveys. A trip to the basement of the Savoy
In partnership with Speleoclub of Savoy, the Grand Lode offer a booth at the Carré des Sciences. Come discover the path of the ore at the time industrial, mining processing through fun and educational models. You can also watch a film about exploration topography and groundwater.
[Le Grand Filon-> http://www.grandfilon.fr The Mining
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Christmas Garlands Swags
Thursday, August 2, 2007
How To Adjust Xtra 10 Suspension
From the "Song of Roland", the sword Durandal would have been forged with iron Hurtières ... Thirteen centuries after the disaster of Roncesvalles (Aug. 15 778), residents of Hurtières celebrate every year around August 15, indestructible sword of Count Roland.
In the hamlet of the Mine, a village of peasants and miners, Charlemagne's troops have set up camp: soldiers, officers, blacksmiths, charcoal burners, canteen, taupier, accompanied by gypsy troubadours and jugglers and live in around the tent, explaining their business to the public of the century, while s'apostrophant way 800. Mine site, mining and metallurgical continue for the people ...
Saturday 11 and Sunday, August 12, 2007 Educational workshops
Harnois and fencing weapons and all weapons in the Middle Ages, their use and handling of demonstrations and fighting. Try on chain mail and introduction to the sword for visitors
Archery: Shooting Techniques hunting and war, category-leading arrows, different types of bows. Shooting contest between the archers.
Forge: Demonstrations
roasting and crushing iron ore
Daily Life: Food, potions .. Calligraphy and Heraldic
Juggling and handling of firearms and bladed weapons
painting sword and shield
Troubadours: Music, songs, poetry, medieval games medieval
Market artisans
Saturday By August 11, 2007 22h: Performance of Fire by night everyone. One man show performed by "The Company hearth" .
DIMANCHE 12 AOUT 2007 Towards 16h: Show all age groups with the Company of the Year one thousand
typical Restaurant on site: Spread medieval Hypocras ... Hot and covered
Animation: 5 € (day) or 8 € (2-day)
Complete tour of the mine site (Grand Filon + park + shows): 9,5 € adults / 8,00 € Child (park) .
L E GRAND FILON - site Mining Hurtières
Tel: 04 79 36 11 05
Thursday, May 31, 2007
How Does Drinking Cause Ed

village of Saint-Georges-d'Hurtières has a school in 1729. It is maintained by the parish priest who teaches reading, grammar, writing, arithmetic and singing. Located in the county town, this school is too far for residents of hamlets and the seating is inadequate. In 1873, a school is open for Mining, 55 students attend classes in the teacher's room! With the intensive use of mines by the Company of Schneider-Creusot, the population of the hamlet of Mining increases. The employment of children under 16 years is prohibited (1874) and the Third Republic, Jules Ferry establish free schooling (1881), compulsory (1882) and secular for children 6 to 13 years. In 1883, residents of the Mining rally and following a petition, a building was built 8 years later. Between 1873 and 1936 the schoolhouse of the Mine unfolds 10 masters and mistresses that sleep up to 50 students.
In 1939 war was declared and the teacher's chief town is mobilized. All students in the hamlets of the village of Saint-Georges-d'Hurtières are grouped into one class, the chief place. Deserted, the School of Mining will definitely closed: the end of mining in 1931 and 1944 fire ending the life of the hamlet.
It was not until 1995 that the school reopens. This time it did not entertain the kids but visitors!
sunday 24 JUIN 2007
From 14h. Free admission
Visit the School of Mining and enjoy yourself to pass the tests of the graduation certificate of your choice.
- At 15.30: Dictation.
- Throughout the day:
- Mathematics
- Grammar
History - Geography
- Science
- Animation: free registration cert 'and free entry.
- Visit Grand Filon: reduced rates.
Partnership with France Bleu Pays de Savoie
Saturday, May 19, 2007
What Is Dry Mucus Before Period?
The coal camp!
* Step # 1, installation and lighting of the wheel.
Aided by volunteers of the association Carbon 14 (Jura), the coal of the Association of the Museum of the Land of Hurtières begin mounting the wheel in the early afternoon. September cords of Charbonnette (wood no more arm size) are used to a wheel of about 2.50 m in diameter.
The coal is then covered with hay (leaves or grass can also be used) and land with the aim to "leather" on wood "stifles".
* In late afternoon, the charcoal is ready for ignition.
After the technical explanations of "Master Didier (Blue Spruce), this heavy task entrusted to the director of the Grand Filon (who would have preferred to know ...).
The coal is on introducing the embers in the fireplace. Once the wood has been in the background, the chimney is closed with leaves and earth or "cover". Vents are open all around to allow combustion to continue towards the periphery.
* To celebrate this successful ignition, the "moucheau-of-the-peace" is to turn on (careful kids, do not do this at home!):
* A public meeting you! The 50 proposed seats were sold.
* Followed coal for the start of the first of the evening ...
Only part of the wood is burned, causing, by the heat, charring the rest. It is the color of the smoke that indicates whether the coal burned ¨ or if carbonnisation continues his work. Depending on the progress of the operation of new vents are open or closed to ensure the homogeneity of the operation. To ensure that all goes well, two to three days of presence are essential ...
Friday, May 11, 2007
I Fell Down On My Knee And Its Numb
Win two tickets for the "coal camp" erected in the Grand Filon Saturday, May 19 at the 3rd Night of Museums ".
To do this, please respond before Wednesday, May 16 the following two questions and send your responses to the e-mail info@grandfilon.fr
- From what we manufactured in the coal Hurtières the Middle Ages?
- What is the name of the famous sword that was forged with the iron ore Hurtières?
A draw will decide the correct answers.
Good game and good luck!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
When I Talk, Nose Sounds Stuffy

" The Camp Charbonniers "
the occasion of the third 'Night of Museums ", the Big Vein - Site Hurtières of Mining, in partnership with the association of the" Museum of the Land of Hurtières "and Friends of the Lime Forest "presents a unique and exceptional animation," Camp of coal. " The charcoal Savoy set up their camp and set up their wooden kiln at the Mine. Coal will be made as was done during mining. A real adventure in three days and three nights begin with the evening of Saturday, May 19
With ore, coal is the raw material indispensable for the manufacture of iron. Without coal, metallurgical Hurtières of using charcoal, manufactured locally by coal. The principle of the coal is to ensure the "cooking" regular and the "choking" of a wooden wheel mounted previously. To do this, the wheel must be accompanied day and night. Here the challenge will be met by volunteers from the Mine! If the coal for generations have been isolated, thus feeding the collective imagination, on the occasion of the "Museum Night", the public will share the first vigil around the coal. Le Grand Filon
offers an exceptional day with, on Saturday afternoon, the assembly of the coal (visit). A wheel will be reserved for visitors who may try to mount it. Additionally, the Site Mining Hurtières broadcast the film "Coal" and lead a completely unprecedented visit to the Galerie Saint-Louis on the theme lighting.
show accompanied by a Savoyard meal
Saturday, May 19, 2007:
Afternoon: Installation of coal - open house
From 19h: Lighting the Coal Mines Savoyard meal (by reservation), unique tour of the Galerie Saint-Louis and vigil around the wheel (us and customs, technical ...)
Sunday, June 3:
Afternoon: Opening of the coal - open house
- Evening Charbonnière (reservation with the "Big Vein" 04 79 36 May 11): Meals Savoy + screening of the "coal" + unique tour of the St. Louis gallery + vigil around the coal: 20 € / adult - 15 € / child
- unprecedented visit to the Galerie Saint-Louis: 6 € / adult, 4.5 per child
Contact Press: Jérôme DURAND
Tel. : 04 79 36 11 05 Email. : info@grandfilon.fr
URL: www.grandfilon.fr
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Meaning Of Rubber Band On Wrist
The new website of the Grand Lode - Mining Hurtières site is online at www.grandfilon.fr
Monday, April 30, 2007
Real Wolf's Tooth Necklece

A blog for a cultural site? This space aims to inform you regularly on events in preparation at the mine site. It also a great place to share!