1994, media: first scandal for The Source, Jon Shecter (original creator) followed by James Bernard, and Ed Young that the overall editorial direction resigns. The reason: the pressure exerted by the Almighty RSO (a rap group but also known for its illegal activities directed by Ray Benzino aka Dog) throughout the editorial team. For the record, David Mays, who created the journal with Shecter, became director of marketing away from the editorial line because of his involvement as manager of the group Almighty RSO. Despite this ethical obligation to remove Mays editorial policy, the Almighty RSO had carte blanche to wander through the local newspaper. While their album was out, Mays incorporated in the paper ticket in November on the SAR without the knowledge of the editorial team in addition to the threats received in the absence of a chronicle to 4 mics. The pressure increased when Bernard and Shecter come to grips with the RSO.

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