Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pokemon Rom Package Cydia


For a long time and I do not pretend to be freed me, I am dedicated to various practices and personal development studies , so I thought I could overcome some obstacles, and understand myself better, even better.
All these techniques are flourishing in our magazines, books around us, with all the excesses that there may be related as in management: how to be more efficient, how to be more productive? How can this be more, how to be more so? If this thing does not go with the others maybe I should change that in me, or so it?
But why would already be other than what it is? Why will always be better? Why always fix his behavior to others? Wanting to be better or aspire to something else, do not already discredit what they are and their own abilities?
They say that if you can not change others, we must change ourselves, maybe ... but it must be done in order to be better or in order to be consistent with yourself? Finally is it really changing, or rather just let the right to exist outside the confines of Judgement?

So I wonder, do these methods really teach us to be better with ourselves, or do we still stick to other weights, other than expectations those that are already and we will add, rather than accept yourself? How able and willing to be better progress if you already do not learn to accept ourselves as we are?

course that it will all depend on each and without denying the benefit of some of these approaches, and because each period of life is probably at different stages in his journey, I realized it could be a tendency in some ways certainly in my case, my and how to live, to bury myself in my mechanisms.
Indeed, if one has already many expectations, demands on ourselves, from our experiences, our personality, etc. I'm not convinced that this is a good thing to return to practice where you think, for be better I do not like this and like that, I take it that way and no one, and I do like this or like that if I want to progress, I must say things like that .. . etc etc ... Finally I realize that this is not the desire to be better with myself that motivates me in this case, but to conform to the expectations of others, the company to avoid rejection, conflict, trial ... etc ...
Ultimately it does not tell me to dare to be me these methods, but always wanting to be better, more versatile, more perfect ... without any bumps ... always wanting to improve myself and to remember everything and take everything on me.
short, we would direct our minds a bit like one would do with computers that would make it more efficient, more reliable and with less bugs as possible.

Well, I think I am not a computer and I began to accept my "failures", my limits and that quitting is always wanting to be better not bad as I remain conscious of others, this is not an impediment to my progress, rather than letting go, that assume myself and dare to exist in speaking with my moods, my anger , my dissenting opinions, through my ..., and free myself of these additional requirements, but rather an awareness of my right to exist in a human way, not a computer.

To my mind, I wonder (deep paradoxes;)) even if it is not simply stopping to ask questions about themselves (ouch ouch in there, so for me!: P) and follow your instincts, needs, in they impinge in any way limit the living space of others, stop and seek permanent approval simply by stopping to feel guilty for daring to exist, which happens to be not the best one ... .
I even think that it helps to be less in the expectation and requirement of others and to accept, as our turn.

course that if I write all this is that I'm not there yet, but it seems to me against my finger on what I missed during that time when I was looking for, ie just dare to be and letting go.


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