Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Vga Controller 86c410 Savage 2000

Love is a bird that flies! The cry

At this time of year-end holidays, but also because these days do not always rhyme with joy for everyone and spread the balm to the heart can do much good both to the person who sent in as those who receive it.
I just want to send all my sincere wishes of happiness to the people I love and appreciate, whether they read these words, and that life smiles at you.
Whether you stay still you even though you may think, that you stay confident in your abilities and your life, and you can capture moments of grace, friendship, love and joy who come to you and may they be many!

For the occasion of the passages is a quote that I find very true about love.

"Love is like a bird free to go everywhere, the whole sky is his freedom.
(But) we manufacture gilded cages. We are afraid, because the sky is immense fear that the bird does not return. [...]
Love is a bird that flies [...]"

I wish fair to everyone and to myself;) to open the doors of the cages that confine us and to admire the flight of the bird without any fear, but just the love for all Forms lives around us.

And finally some music to relax and escape:


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